I live paycheck to paycheck.
A secure/steady paycheck is a myth.
I’m on my seventh marriage. Why is this relevant?
I have never made a mistake in my life.
I cannot deviate from today’s schedule.
Let’s solve this unforeseen problem - right now.
Where are my car keys?
My grocery list is organized by aisles.
Not sure, maybe I am, let me think…I don’t know.
My novel is only six years past due.
Signed, sealed and delivered.
I hate selling and I just won’t do it.
I can sell ice cubes to Eskimos.
Who cares? Business is Business.
I will do what is right even if I lose money.
I am so confused. Too much coming at me.
I am like a juggler at the circus.
I don’t know how I will pay my utility bill.
On budget always.
My day is ruined if I get a parking ticket.
Nothing phases me.
I am always getting in over my head.
There is no room for compromise.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
As long as I have my car, boat and mansion.
I would live in my car to build a business.
I know this next idea is my ticket to wealth.
There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Absolutely not.
They would want me in their foxhole.
Would you please repeat that again?
I would much rather listen than talk.
I might as well just do it myself - again.
I have never regretted delegating projects.
I am too emotional to do that.
I can look at myself as if I am another person.
I have never met a self-employed person.
Both my parents were self-employed.