
Why This Question Is Important

By Paul E. Casey

The world is made up of reliable and unreliable people. It’s essential to surround yourself with reliable people. This includes your customers. Also, keep an eye out for the “one-day wonders.” They may design a great web site, but won’t be around to manage it. As with everything, no one is 100-percent reliable or 100-percent unreliable. Succeeding in business will be so much easier if your efforts are supported by reliable people - or in other words, by people who show up.

As a business owner, you will quickly learn to distinguish the reliable associates from the unreliable ones. The reliable associates are those who always show up when you ask them to, and who deliver what you need from them time and again. The unreliable ones are those who show up late for meetings, miss deadlines, and turn in substandard work. The more you surround yourself with reliable people, the more your business will prosper. Of course, this assumes that you are a reliable person, and that you always complete your projects, turn in your best effort, show up for meetings on time, etc.

Answer this question honestly: Do you consider yourself a reliable person? Your answer will have a great bearing on whether or not you will succeed in business.

Bottom Line: This may be a bit dramatic, but here's a good question to ask when bringing someone into your business: "If my life were on the line, would I want this person in my foxhole?"

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As a business owner, you will quickly learn to distinguish the reliable associates from the unreliable ones.